Standups are Poisonous
In my experience…
- Morning standups force people to be in work before 10:00. Great when you’re supposed to have the benefit of flexi-time.
- They always overrun. Rarely are standups shorter than 10 minutes. 6 person team * 30 minutes = 3 hours lost.
- Action points are rarely produced, so the value of the outcome is questionable.
- Others switch off if they’re not interested in the current monologue.
- Notes are rarely taken, so by the time the weekly update gets compiled the team have to scratch their heads about what they did over the last week.
- Team leader sends an email to the team with the subject: YYYY-MM-DD standup.
- Team reply individually at whenever they start their working day.
- Team leader closes off with action points and assignees.
- Thread is printed to PDF and stored somewhere accessible.
- Further conversation takes place in separate email / ticket / conversation. Interested parties can have their say. Others can skim-read or ignore.
- Result of discussion emailed in tomorrows standup email.
- Weekly update is compiled from the week’s PDFs.